TSystemPaths gets the system paths available for the Windows operating system. There are two properties for each directory. Firstly the property to check if the directory exists. If it exists the second property holds the directory itsself. The properties are read-only of course. The component is only a wrapper for some Windows API calls which you can find below with some links to the MSDN Library.
You can get all other directories using the SHGetSpecialFolderPath function. It's important to put the shlobj-unit in your uses clause. The function itsself and the CSIDLs are defined there. In some Delphi® version you have to fix some minor problems. Some newer CSIDLs will not be defined, so you have to do this on your own. You may also see them in the demo application below:
If you're wondering why it should be interesting to know this paths:
Microsoft tells you not to spread your application data all over Windows:
This function is provided primarily for compatibility. Applications should store code in the Program Files folder and persistent data in the Application Data folder in the user's profile.
To see the test results have a look at the screenshots of the test program.

If you're downloading the component be sure to put the helper unit in your unit search path.