screenshots of the AutoVIEW Update Client

This shows the update client in action: if it runs the first time it checks the installation key from the installation CD. Secondly it tries finding AutoVIEW automatically or manually depending on the user's choice. The update process itself is the same procedure all the time.

AutoVIEW Updater asking for the key:
updater key check window

reading the key from CD and
check it with the input
but only on first use.

screenshot updater key check window   (97.290 bytes)

Updater searching for AutoVIEW on the hard disk:
the updater searching window

the updater checks for existing
installations of AutoVIEW

screenshot updater searching window   (74.414 bytes)

Updater working hard:
the updater installation window

then it does the required work.

screenshot updater installation window   (50.923 bytes)

last update: 2010-11-25 - 22:22:57.
copyright © by Klaus Burgstaller 2010